Hello Friends, today me and BlueSpider (we teamed up) release BlueSpider, one member of MUGENMULTIVERSE....
We used ZVictor's Spiderman to make our Character, but it is more than just a pallette swap, we removed the web system and anything web related, keeping everithing else from Spiderman (including specials, hypers (all of them, incluing spider sences) which doesn't use web, can still climb walls, etc...), but Bluespider however, has lazer and explosions and other stuff to replace the web stuff.
Yeah... you'd think Spiderman hit BlueSpider with that move, but actually both of them missed each other in the end, weird, huh?...
(reminder all the moves that had web has been removed, every thing else is kept they just haren't listed here, only add moves are listed)Lazers:
(creates an orb (or two, depending on the punch button) that shoots 3 lazers, BlueSpider does a small jump if you use the
(BlueSpider summons an explosion wave, the distance depends on which kick button, if you summon the explosion furter than the oponent while hitting him, you will send the oponent flyng towards yourself)
Super Orb (hyper):
(A Giant orb that doens't shoot lazers, hit the opponent with it, at the end of the hyper BlueSpider trows the Orb frontwards)
Taunt: each taunt heals you 25 health, also you can cancel the taunt > taunt as many time as you like without going to standing state (or idle, i don't know what to call it, basically you repeat the taunt in the middle of the taunt, after the eye glow)Whats left to do:
Create a 2nd hyper;
Create another special, ("calling redspider" is what i'd call);
Lose pose;
Coding AI's taunt;
Shield for guarding animation;
Fix the hyper portrait colours for some pallettes;
Removing web sprites and sounds;
Fix any bug that someone finds;
ZVICTOR: one of most important, he not only made the original spider, but he gave us permission to use his caracter as the base;
Borewood2013: He helped me to fix a bug in the hyper (which was a minor mistake
) and i took the advantage to use it for one of the specials (thanks again
Mugen Multiverse: Our home...
And ELECBYTE: for creating MUGEN, the most inportant one.
Have i forgot about you? contact one of us.
Someday i will Mugenize Myself (not in MVC, in CVS)