hello my friends
could someone help me to have this particular effect only during taunt when your character is hit? (when he is hit during taunt)
what triggers i should add?
please help me...and where should i add this ? in state 195 ? in state 5000 ? or in state -2 ?
[State 0, Paper Debris on Guard or GetHit]
type = explod
anim = 1003
ID = 1003
pos = 0,-50
postype = p1
facing = 1
vfacing = 1
bindtime = 1
vel = (random/500.0*2-1)*ifelse(random%2,1,-1), (random/500.0*2-1)*ifelse(random%2,1,-1)
accel = 0,0
random = 10,60
removetime = -2
pausemovetime = 0
scale = random/500.0, random/500.0
sprpriority = 3
ontop = 0
shadow = 0,0,0
ownpal = 1
removeongethit = 0