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Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game Emptyby skhsato123 Today at 4:19 am

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 Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game

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Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game Empty
PostSubject: Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game   Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game EmptyDecember 1st 2015, 7:34 pm

Text from article wrote:
Back when the first Avengers film was getting ready to blow up the box office, developer THQ was putting together a big-budget video game to match. But, though the film (obviously) proved a hit, the game bit the dust in development hell.

But we finally have a peek at what could’ve been. The folks at Unseen64 have put together a retrospective with concept art, gameplay footage and mockups from the game. Sure, it’s a bit dated now, but this still looks incredibly cool. The game would’ve reportedly followed the Secret Invasion storyline from the comics, with Brian Michael Bendis reportedly attached to write the script. It would’ve featured Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thor in major roles, with Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel (squee!) and War Machine also unlockable.

The project was set for release on PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. The game was being developed at THQ Australia, but when that office was shuttered, the game went with it.
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Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game   Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game EmptyDecember 1st 2015, 9:34 pm

I remember seeing this video a few days ago. This game looked so cool and had a unique idea, I really wish it would have happened.
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Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game Empty
PostSubject: Re: Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game   Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game EmptyDecember 2nd 2015, 5:09 am

Thank you volzzilla for including the text and the online article hyperlink as I don't understand anything I hear in the YT video (my English listening skill is 0 Embarassed ). Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game 670481599

Yeah it kind of sucks when some video game makers cancel cool developing products like that.  It reminds me of the cancelled Blizzard's Starcraft Ghost years ago......... Footage of cancelled Avengers FPS video game 3803356177
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