Does anybody know how to do victory quotes?
Here's the catch for you, beginners, you may open up the Fighter Factory. If you don't have Fighter Factory on your computer, google it, download it and install it into your computer. If you're on Fighter Factory, click open, if you're on open, open up your Mugen folder, go to chars folder and click on your favorite mugen characters' folder (example: ryu.def) click on your def file. If you opened up your Mugen character on your Fighter Factory, go and click on Constants, scroll down to the bottom, and type "[Quotes]" press enter to space it down and underneath the word [Quotes] and then type "victory1 = type whatever you want to write it while your Mugen character is the winner. For example from Ryu saying, "victory1 = You're no match for my hadouken fireball!"
See this:
victory1 = "You're no match for my hadouken fireball!"
If you want to create more victory quotes by typing, type victory2 or more and whatever you want to type it, it's your favorite choice. And click "Save". Viola! That's it! You may play up your Mugen now, after you are finished playing your own Mugen game, and check it out and see the victory quotes you typed.
That might help. :-)