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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 8th 2024, 7:20 pm

CARNAGE777 wrote:
My answer is IT IS NOT A RELEASE, help with the sprites was only requested from Cesar Sombra, the project is still in development, and the final version will vary too much from the result in the sprites that Cesar Sombra made, to whom I must recognize the speed with which he handles, but in the end the concept and design is still mine, for the Nexus Gaming project, these types of situations are annoying to me, if it happens again I will be forced to leave the following projects as private (Ezio Auditore, Eve, Riptor and Yuri Boyka)

Mi respuesta es NO ES UN LANZAMIENTO, solo se pidió ayuda con los sprites a cesar sombra, el proyecto sigue en desarrollo, y la versión definitiva variara demasiado al resultado en los sprites qué hizo cesar sombra, a quien debo reconocerle la velocidad con la se maneja, pero a final de cuentas el concepto y diseño sigue siendo mio, para el proyecto de Nexus Gaming, este tipo de situaciones para mi son molestas, de volverse a repetir me veré en la necesidad de dejar los siguientes proyectos como privados  (Ezio Auditore, Eve, Riptor y Yuri Boyka)
I am very glad to hear it because now we can take the time and take action we will going we already deleted the file we also going to go ahead and we ban the the member goes by the name of Mugenator who went ahead and leaked out mugen character without your permission I want to make sure that it's coming from you and not from somebody else because we feel and that is the right thing to do. Because you are a well respected as an artist and we should treat you with respect so therefore we at ak1 Mugen Community is taking action and banned Mugenator for breaking one on our rules at our website and this is why I want to confront you about this and confirm that this was not meant to be a release from the start but a working in progress on the Sprite itself because we care and respect your wishes and thank you for letting me know.

We AK1 Mugen Global Moderator me OldGamer

Last edited by OldGamer on August 8th 2024, 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 8th 2024, 7:28 pm

People need to stop leaking characters
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 8th 2024, 7:48 pm

Carnage I want to let you know that everyone here at the Mugen Multiverse respect and love you so much because you are a great artist you take the time to make something beautiful and then we found out that there's a member by the go by the name mugenator and trying to ruin your masterpiece by leaking out this character without your permission and we the Global Moderator at AK1 Mugen Community took that action and Banned the member mugenator. So please be sure you do not worry because we love you and we respect you as an artist so therefore we went ahead and took action so there's nothing for you to worry. we care cheers
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 12:27 am

Creo que hay dos cosas bueno tres que debo aclarar en este foro.
Número 1. Yo no tengo nada que ver con ningún mugenator averigüe quien es pero tenga cuidado porque hay un tipo que se hace pasar por mi un tipo llamado the Shadow.
Número 2. Creo que ya se que pasó... Subí equivocadamente el char a mega porque subí todas las creaciones y creo que subí sin querer queriendo el char de Eve y tampoco es un pecado ok... Deberían ser menos irritables lo digo por oldgamer no por Carnage, y si me disculpo por esto amigo... Me robaron el char de aquí y es culpa mía por no fijarme... Quieren creerme? En mi post nunca puse a Eve y que le dije a Carnage? Solo tu puedes liberar el char.
Y tercero vea usted Oldgamer no quiero ser pelion pero yo vine aquí a estar en paz y estar en un sitio de amistad de tranquilidad y no estar en esas discusiones así que deje de buscar estar peleando porque yo tengo mucho que vivir no estoy para estar peleando ya estoy cansado voy a mugen free for all y es lo mismo, MA también... Ya estoy cansado de tanta pelea valla quédese con su sitio y además mi usuario es Luigiman no mugenator.
Así que hazme el favor de ir a pelear a otro lado yo vine aquí en paz a compartir mis creaciones ORIGINALES que la gente no quiere hacer y yo he contribuido como creador a muchísimas creaciones para que crean que soy un vulgar ladrón de chars.
Así que de aquí en adelante voy a seguir tranquilo subiendo mis chars aquí y haga el favor de no hablarme ok y busque a quien quemar.
Yo le ayude de buena fe para tener un amigo y venis a meter puñal aqui belico
Usted es el sucesor de milbury la misma cosa.

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Nexus Gaming

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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 10:01 am

This is why i don't do testing with people who just want to release unfinished projects. i only have 2 people who i trust. keep working on your projects, you have talent, don't give up. i wouldn't have helped if you didn't have good concepts and determination. I'm always here to help you.

CARNAGE777 likes this post

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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 7:12 pm

Cesar words translated

"I think there are two things, well three, that I should clarify in this forum.
Number 1. I have nothing to do with any mugenator, find out who it is but be careful because there is a guy who pretends to be me, a guy called the Shadow.
Number 2. I think I know what happened... I uploaded the character to mega by mistake because I uploaded all the creations and I think I uploaded it without wanting to want Eve's character and it's not a sin either ok... You should be less irritable, I say this for oldgamer, not for Carnage, and I do apologize for this, my friend... They stole my character from here and it's my fault for not paying attention... Do you want to believe me? I never put Eve in my post and what did I say to Carnage? Only you can release the character.
And third, look, Oldgamer, I don't want to be a fighter, but I came here to be at peace and to be in a place of friendship and tranquility and not to be in those discussions, so stop looking to be fighting because I have a lot to live, I'm not here to be fighting, I'm tired, I'm going to mugen free for all and it's the same, MA too... I'm tired of so much fighting, go stay with your site and also my user is Luigiman, not mugenator.
So do me a favor and go fight somewhere else, I came here in peace to share my ORIGINAL creations that people don't want to make and I have contributed as a creator to many creations so that they think I'm a vulgar thief of chars.
So from now on I'm going to continue quietly uploading my chars here and please don't talk to me, okay, and look for someone to burn.
I helped him in good faith to have a friend and you come here to stab him in a warlike manner.
You are Milbury's successor, the same thing."
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 10:07 pm

Thank you for your words, I think the situation got out of control, but in view of this situation I will limit myself to only working with Nexus Gaming and Lessard from this moment on
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 10:54 pm

Carnage please forgive me.... Forgive me... I promise this wont happen again.
I want you consider me as a friend
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 9th 2024, 11:05 pm

Cesar wrote:
Carnage please forgive me.... Forgive me... I promise this wont happen again.
I want you consider me as a friend

esta bien no pasa nada, ya habra tiempo mas adelante para colaborar,pero de momento tengo que cumplir con los chars que le propuse a nexus gaming para su proyecto de soul calibur, y con lessard un par de cosas que tenemos planeadas con yuri boyka y el santo
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 10th 2024, 12:22 am

Ok está bien muchas gracias sos un gran amigo!!!!!
Te quiero mucho.
Btw puedes ver mi post para que veas mis creaciones.
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 10th 2024, 5:37 am

[img]Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Photo.php?fbid=350368178132381&set=p[/img] Stellar Blade
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 10th 2024, 11:07 am

crosspotts1.0 wrote:
Cesar words translated

"I think there are two things, well three, that I should clarify in this forum.
Number 1. I have nothing to do with any mugenator, find out who it is but be careful because there is a guy who pretends to be me, a guy called the Shadow.
Number 2. I think I know what happened... I uploaded the character to mega by mistake because I uploaded all the creations and I think I uploaded it without wanting to want Eve's character and it's not a sin either ok... You should be less irritable, I say this for oldgamer, not for Carnage, and I do apologize for this, my friend... They stole my character from here and it's my fault for not paying attention... Do you want to believe me? I never put Eve in my post and what did I say to Carnage? Only you can release the character.
And third, look, Oldgamer, I don't want to be a fighter, but I came here to be at peace and to be in a place of friendship and tranquility and not to be in those discussions, so stop looking to be fighting because I have a lot to live, I'm not here to be fighting, I'm tired, I'm going to mugen free for all and it's the same, MA too... I'm tired of so much fighting, go stay with your site and also my user is Luigiman, not mugenator.
So do me a favor and go fight somewhere else, I came here in peace to share my ORIGINAL creations that people don't want to make and I have contributed as a creator to many creations so that they think I'm a vulgar thief of chars.
So from now on I'm going to continue quietly uploading my chars here and please don't talk to me, okay, and look for someone to burn.
I helped him in good faith to have a friend and you come here to stab him in a warlike manner.
You are Milbury's successor, the same thing."
I understand that you're angry with me but I was only going by what they had told me about you I want to apologize about the misunderstanding and I am glad that you went ahead and cleared that out for me but you need to understand one thing I was not trying to hurt you or anyway or try to have Carnage to lose his trust in you I only going about what the moderators had told me and what the other people had told me here at the mugen community so I want to apologize I'm not trying to hurt you in any way and I want to apologize but I want to let you know that I had to take action because it is unforgivable for someone to release a character without the Creator's permission please understand that please don't take it the wrong way and we want to say we want to apologize but at the same time we cannot let this go so we have to let Carnage know that somebody or someone went ahead and leaked out the character without his permission so therefore I had to do what I had to do because we have a lot of respect for Carnage's creation and his privacy of his creations
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 10th 2024, 4:43 pm

Hello Oldgamer, I accept your apology and if it's okay let's be friends, you know the mugen community hates me for different reasons, for example in mffa because before I was immature and if I accept it I asked for chars without knowing that they were impossible to do and I had a fight with several people . In M.A. It was because yes, I make spriteswap or poorly made chars, I am not a programmer nor do I know how to draw, my chars are bad but I do it for a change to have "favorite characters" in vintage fighting games. Finally, because of that obsessed person called the shadow or mugenator, I have a worse reputation.
I'm not really angry, I'm sad, very sad because I don't want to fight anymore, I want to be friends and have a circle of peace in mugen and respect like they have for Chuchoryu or Lessard, I ask for SERIOUS APOLOGIES TO ALL of you, serious apologies for fighting and for everything, sorry for everything... Oldgamer sorry if sorry friend, I shake your hand and sorry if I got angry, rather thank you for everything, you are a very good person.
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 11th 2024, 6:22 am

Cesar wrote:
Hello Oldgamer, I accept your apology and if it's okay let's be friends, you know the mugen community hates me for different reasons, for example in mffa because before I was immature and if I accept it I asked for chars without knowing that they were impossible to do and I had a fight with several people . In M.A. It was because yes, I make spriteswap or poorly made chars, I am not a programmer nor do I know how to draw, my chars are bad but I do it for a change to have "favorite characters" in vintage fighting games. Finally, because of that obsessed person called the shadow or mugenator, I have a worse reputation.
I'm not really angry, I'm sad, very sad because I don't want to fight anymore, I want to be friends and have a circle of peace in mugen and respect like they have for Chuchoryu or Lessard, I ask for SERIOUS APOLOGIES TO ALL of you, serious apologies for fighting and for everything, sorry for everything... Oldgamer sorry if sorry friend, I shake your hand and sorry if I got angry, rather thank you for everything, you are a very good person.
I totally understand where you're coming from because I have seen a lot of people like yourself have gone through a lot and I know everyone can learn from their mistakes and you're showing that you're being very forgiving.

I don't mind being your friend because I love people in fact let me share with you a Quote in the Bible in the New Testament Jesus say in the bible (John 13:34, 35) "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.

The love that Jesus talked about is not mere sentiment; it is a powerful and self-sacrificing quality. Jesus said: “No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends. You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you.”​—John 15:13, 14.

We live in “critical times,” and life is “filled with trouble and sorrow.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5; Psalm 90:10) Many people are suffering so much that they feel like giving up, I don't want you to give up on your self or mugen so let continue to help one another and build up great personality. Im saying this to all everyone here in the mugen community. let's tossed out are competitive ways let's continue helping one another with utmost respect let's continue helping one another and love one another just as Jesus has commanded us to do drop da bomb
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Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eve Stellar Blade   Eve Stellar Blade - Page 2 EmptyAugust 11th 2024, 9:46 am

Thanks... Your words are todo nice, first Time someone says me things so softly... I had wished people talk me as you did... Since now... You Will be my friend too.
This community is awesome all you.
I am here to clean my name specially for mugenguild was I am hatred a lot because of the impostor and three rats which never threat me with respect, they are not here surely.

My friend new i only can say you... Thanks 😊😊😊😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 very kind
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