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Subject: Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain May 7th 2022, 4:38 pm
Here is a video they made with my edit of Sabrewulf I made for mugen, it was really cool, but I would like to know how much it would cost them to name the authors who made the chars on mugen ??? this would help people who create content for Mugen a lot, encouraging other people to create things with more quality, I see many of the community complaining about copyright, and gains in their edits/creations, because many of you already know everything I edit, leave it free to edit, as long as I get credited, that would be enough for me, but I see here that a lot of people profit from the work of all of you making videos and not even a thank you gets to you, and I've never seen anyone complain... would it be hypocrisy? I will be posting several videos from various channels that used the characters I edited to see if they will have any reaction or I will receive some punishment from youtube... so let's play.