So I saved the Mugen stage on Fighter Factory Studio. I tried my Mugen what the stage comes up, it has an error problems, it won't work.
I will let you see how it goes:
; Definition of Ghouls N Ghosts Stage
; *** denotes values you should change/check for each stage.
; The term "background" is used to mean both backgrounds and foregrounds.
;Name of the stage.
name = "Capcom Firebrand's Stage"
displayname = "Graveyard" ;Name to display
versiondate = 09,30,2009 ;Version date of stage (MM,DD,YYYY or X.XX)
mugenversion = 1.0 ;Version of M.U.G.E.N stage works on (X.XX)
author = "Mr. Welldone" ;Stage author name
;Camera starting position: Usually 0 for both
startx = 0
starty = 0
;Left and right bound of camera
;You may want to fiddle a bit with these values to make sure the
;background doesn't move too far or too little
boundleft = -125
boundright = 125
;High and low bound of camera
;High is a negative number. Make is more negative if you want to
;camera to be able to move higher.
;Low should usually be 0.
;If omitted, defaults to -25 and 0 respectively
boundhigh = -25
boundlow = 0
;This is how much the camera will move vertically towards the
;highest player. Valid values are from 0 to 1. A value of 0 will mean
;the camera does not move up at all. A value of 1 will makes the camera
;follow the highest player.
;Typically .2 for normal-sized backgrounds. You may need to pull this
;value up for taller backgrounds.
verticalfollow = .2
;Minimum vertical distance the highest player has to be from the floor,
;before the camera starts to move up to follow him. For extremely
;tall stages, a floor tension of about 20-30 coupled with a
;vertical-follow of .8 allows the camera to follow the action.
floortension = 0
;Horizontal distance player is from edge before camera starts to move
;left or right. Typically 50 or 60.
tension = 50
;Number of pixels beyond the top and bottom of the screen that may
;be drawn. Overdraw specifies the how much can be seen during an
;EnvShake. Overdraw pixels will also be used when the screen aspect
;is taller than the stage aspect.
overdrawhigh = 0
overdrawlow = 0
;Number of pixels into the top and bottom of the screen that may be
;cut from drawing when the screen aspect is shorter than the stage
;aspect. These parameters suggest a guideline, and the actual
;number of pixels cut depends on the difference in aspect.
cuthigh = 35
cutlow = 25
;--- Player 1 ---
;Player 1 starting coordinates.
;p1startx is typically -70 and p2startx is 70.
;p1starty should be 0.
p1startx = -70 ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0 ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1 ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -1=left
;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 70
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
;--- Common ---
;Don't change these values.
leftbound = -1000 ;Left bound (x-movement)
rightbound = 1000 ;Right bound
;Distance from left/right edge of screen that player can move to
;Typically 15
screenleft = 15 ;Dist from left of screen that player can move to
screenright = 15 ;Right edge
;"Ground" level where players stand at, measured in pixels from the
;top of the screen.
;Adjust this value to move the ground level up/down in the screen.
zoffset = 190
;Leave this at 1. It makes the players face each other
autoturn = 1
;Set the following to 1 to have the background reset itself between
resetBG = 1
;Width and height of the local coordinate space of the stage.
localcoord = 320, 240
;Horizontal and vertical scaling factor for drawing.
xscale = 1
yscale = 1
;This is the shadow darkening intensity. Valid values range from
;0 (lightest) to 256 (darkest). Defaults to 128 if omitted.
intensity = 96
;This is the shadow color given in r,g,b. Valid values for each
;range from 0 (lightest) to 255 (darkest).
;Defaults to 0,0,0 if omitted.
;intensity and color's effects add up to give the final shadow
color = 0,0,0
;This is the scale factor of the shadow. Use a big scale factor
;to make the shadow longer. You can use a NEGATIVE scale factor
;to make the shadow fall INTO the screen.
;Defaults to 0.4 if omitted.
yscale = .3
;This parameter lets you set the range over which the shadow is
;visible. The first value is the high level, and the second is
;the middle level. Both represent y-coordinates of the player.
;A shadow is invisible if the player is above the high level,
;and fully visible if below the middle level. The shadow is
;faded in between the two levels. This gives an effect of the
;shadow fading away as the player gets farther away from the
;ground. If omitted, defaults to no level effects (shadow is
;always fully visible).
fade.range = 0,0
;Intensity of reflection (from 0 to 256). Set to 0 to have no
;reflection. Defaults to 0.
intensity = 0
;Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
;blank if you don't want music. If an invalid filename is
;given, then no music will play. To play CD audio, put
;the track number followed by ".da". Using a track number of
;0 will play a random audio track. For example, to play
;track 3 from a music CD, use:
; bgmusic = 3.da
bgmusic =
;bgmloopstart = <sample number>
;bgmloopend = <sample number>
;Adjust the volume. 100 is for 100%.
bgmvolume = 100
; Background definition
; ***
; [BG 0]
; type = ? "Normal"/"Parallax" (def: "normal")
; spriteno = ?, ? Sprite group and number: groupno, imgno (req'd)
; start = ?, ? Starting location (integer) (def: 0, 0)
; delta = ?, ? Change in location per camera unit moved (float) (def: 1,1)
; trans = ? Transparency settings: "none"/"add"/"add1"/"sub"" (def: "none")
; mask = ? Masking (int): 0 - off, 1 - on (def: 0)
; velocity = ?, ? Velocity: x, y (float): speed background moves (def: 0, 0)
; tile = ?, ? Tiling: xtile, ytile (int): 0 - off, 1 - infinite,
; >1 - tile that number of times (def: 0, 0) - only for Normal BG
; tilespacing = ?, ? Tiling: x, y (int) : space between tiles (def: 0, 0)
; Parallax-only:
; xscale = ?, ? Top xscale, bottom xscale (float)
; width = ?, ? Top width, bottom width (int) (use either this or above, but not both)
; yscalestart = ? Starting y-scale (float, in percent) (def: 100)
; yscaledelta = ? Change in y-scale per unit (float, in percent) (def: 0)
; Main background definition
;Filename of sprite data
spr = Graveyard.sff
;Set to 1 if you want to clear the screen to magenta before
;drawing layer 0 (the default background). Good for spotting "holes"
;in your background.
;Remember to turn this off when you are done debugging the background,
;because it slows down performance.
debugbg = 0
; Start each background element with the following:
; Make sure it's "[BG n]", where n is anything you like (it's only used to
; report errors.) For example, you could use: [BG TheFloor]
; Specify as many as you like. This is an example of a normal background:
[BG n]
type = normal
spriteno = 0, 1
layerno = 0
start = 0, 0
delta = 2, 1
trans = none
;alpha = 256,0
mask = 0
tile = 1, 0
tilespacing = 0,0
;windowdelta = 0,0
[BG 1]
type = normal
spriteno = 0, 0
start = 0, 185
delta = 1, 0
mask = 0
velocity = 0, 0
tile = 1, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0
I tried to edit it in multiple times, and it still won't work, because it has error message. But I have trouble to fix it perfectly.
Please, Help Me! How Do I Solve An Error Problems for My Mugen Stage?