Number 4...So, your MUGEN case is: "4) P2's Life down => P1 gets knocked back more"
Perhaps you might want to try this
A) Under your [Statedef -2], use a MUGEN float variable to keep recording your MUGEN Enemy's Life:
[State -2, VarSet]
;;; make sure your FVar(39) MUGEN float variable is not in use...type = VarSet
triggerall = NumEnemy
triggerall = EnemyNear, Alive = 1 && EnemyNear, Life != 0
trigger1 = 1
fv = 39
value = EnemyNear, Life
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 1
B) Under your [Statedef -3], use a VelMul MUGEN State Controller to make your x-velocity multiple by the FVar(39) MUGEN float variable, and your MUGEN Character's State Time:
[State -3, VelMul]
;P2's Life down => P1 gets knocked back more (on ground only & not in P2's custom states)type = VelMul
triggerall = NumEnemy
triggerall = StateType != A
triggerall = StateType != L
triggerall = MoveType = H
triggerall = Alive = 1 && Life != 0
triggerall = EnemyNear, Alive = 1 && EnemyNear, Life != 0
triggerall = EnemyNear, Life < EnemyNear, LifeMax
trigger1 = GetHitVar(xvel) != 0.0
trigger1 = GetHitVar(hitshaketime) = 0
trigger1 = Time = [1, 2]
; [1, #] => the bigger # is, the longer time VelMul is in effect....x = 1.0 + ((EnemyNear, LifeMax - FVar(39)) / EnemyNear, LifeMax)
y = 0.0
ignorehitpause = 0
persistent = 1
P.S. OK I tried to use just the "1.0 + ((EnemyNear, LifeMax - EnemyNear, Life) / EnemyNear, LifeMax)" for the VelMul x = value, but somehow it didn't work.........and it can work only by using a MUGEN float variable (FVar(39), which I chose it as it is the biggest MUGEN float variable you can have) to record your MUGEN Enemy's Life........don't know why........