The fightfx.sff in the MUGEN lifebars should have group numbers for both hit spark and guard spark. If you can get the spark numbers then in MUGEN character's CNS file try to look for locate MUGEN code lines:
- Code:
;Default hit spark number for HitDefs
sparkno = # ;2 is used by KFM
;Default guard spark number
guard.sparkno = # ;40 is used by KFM
You can try to plug in the spark numbers for the # you find from the MUGEN lifebars' fightfx.sff in the above MUGEN lines of code then.
Normally it is used in a MUGEN character's HitDef or Projectile MUGEN state controller.
Please try to locate MUGEN code lines in the MUGEN character's CNS file(s) like these:
- Code:
sparkno = S907
guard.sparkno = S908
sparkxy = -10, -85
Then change them to something like this:
- Code:
sparkno = -1
guard.sparkno = -1
sparkxy = 0,0
There are also custom hitspraks (especially those Hi-Res ones) that make use of a Helper or Explod MUGEN state controller which is activated during move contacts. This way you have to look for that one by one then try to disable/remove every one of them by hand. The MUGEN code for this varies greatly among different MUGEN characters so it cannot be explained here in general though.........