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After Vegito, I decided to make his counterpart Gogeta!
Some Screenshot:
Details about Gogeta:
life = 1000 attack = 100 defence = 100 power = 3000
-There are 5 buttons to attack (a, b, x, y, s);
-There are 2 intros and 3 win poses
-Moves are classified in Special, Super and Hyper;
-I need to say one thing about Super moves: These moves are loadable by holding "c", but they require energy to load one of them in the other level, for example: Kamehameha Lvl 1 needs 500 powerpoints, but if you have 1000 powerpoint you can charge the move to launch a Kamehameha Lvl 2 or in a Kamehameha Lvl 3 if you have 2000 powerpoints;
-Big Bang Kamehameha requires that the life is <= 250 and 3000 powerpoints and this move doesn't kill the enemy with one hit.
Charge = "b+y"
Teleport = "z"
Fireball = "c"
Drill Move = ~D, DF, F, a
SpinBall = ~D, DB, B, a
EarthQuake (Stun the enemy) = ~B, F, a
Final Flash = ~D, DB, B, c
Lvl 1 needs 1000 powerpoints
Lvl 2 needs 2000 powerpoints
Kamehameha = ~D, DF, F, c
Lvl 1 needs 500 powerpoints
Lvl 2 needs 1000 powerpoints
Lvl 3 needs 2000 powerpoints
Final Kamehameha = ~B, F, c
Triple Kamehameha = ~D, DF, F, z
Big Bang Kamehameha = ~D, DB, B, z & Life <= 250, Power = 3000