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Welcome!!! - Bienvenidos!!! - ( We hope you will get involved in the MMV Community which is dedicated to having fun with Mugen ) - Bienvenidos!!! - Welcome!!!
Venessa by Zero-Sennin: Well, I made it. But I find no way on using them in Zero-Sennin's Venessa. What the hell this is?! But I can use only one pal. I opened the SFF and appiled the default cvs pal on it and saved that SFF. That's the only way I used. >>>
With your mugen soft, apply default(or, which you like) pals on the characters' SFF and save CVS Pal applied SFFs as PCX images to get completely new converted sprites. Then spriters, you can save your time by acomplishing those PCXs to make them for CVS conversion.