I feel like MUGEN is very bland and plain when you try to make a real game out of it. One you edit everything, it's still MUGEN no matter what and all full games have the same gameplay style. They're either MVC, street fighter,King of Fighting, or a mix between the three, also all of the modes those full games have are the same exact thing as each other.
Fighter Factory 4:
- Reduced freezes/crashes
- Ability to use the position button on stages (with placeholder KFMs as draggable characters.) so we can see what it would be like if we used this position or so.
- Different windows for characters when dragging their tabs out of the window
- More built in templates such as a MVC template or a transformation template.
- Position button having a scrolling feature to zoom in or out.
Built in:
- Stage creator program
- Fight.def/ System.def editor program
- Story builder program similar to MugenStoryModeCreator or just build it into the MUGEN engine in entirety
MUGEN itself:
- choice for Survival mode to go to random stages instead of just one stage or just keep one stage for all survival rounds.
- Target test like in Super Smash Brothers
- Story/classic mode
- Custom made modes
- Unlockables, there will be a new tab in Select.def that allows you to code an unlockable character.
- Boss Rush mode (Bosses from Story mode)
- Sound test (Stores the character's .SND into this mode to allow us to test the sounds from the mode.)
-Instead of selecting stages from the little text at the bottom, maybe we can just go to another screen where we can preview the stages before we select them.
- Platforms similar to Super Smash Brothers. I don't wanna be stuck on the lower ground when I fight. I'd like to be on top of everything.
- Pacman stages (As in you walk at right side and all of the sudden you are at the left side of the stage)
- Bring back battle.log