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Welcome!!! - Bienvenidos!!! - ( We hope you will get involved in the MMV Community which is dedicated to having fun with Mugen ) - Bienvenidos!!! - Welcome!!!
Charge = Hold "z" Teleport = "a+b" and choose the direction Fireball = "c"
Final Flash Ball = ~D, DF, F, x Galik Gun = ~D, DB, B, x WarpKame = ~D, DF, F, y Big Finish = ~D, DB, B, y Rush 1 = ~D, DF, F, a Rush 2 = ~D, DF, F, b Shock Wave = ~D, DB, B, a Spirit Sword = ~D, DB, B, b
Fury Rush = ~D, DB, B, c Double Kamehameha = ~D, DF, F, c Final Kakemahema = ~D, DB, B, z Super Kaioken = ~D, DF, F, z Big Bang Kamehameha = ~B, F, z & Life <= 250
What's new from the version 1?
-Increased the speed of the kicks (because Vegito is very fast on kicks) -Added new sounds -Added a Taunt -Added a new Intro and a new Win Pose -New animations for the old Super Moves -Added new Super Moves (now you have 8 super moves)
-Increased the speed of the Fury Rush -Changed the animations of the Final Kamehameha -Now the Big Bang Kamehameha is very similar to the original one made by TheHyper921 (your life must be <= 250) -Removed the Big Bomb -Added new Hyper Moves (now you have 5 hyper moves)