The way Dr. Strange's MUGEN A.I. was coded like that. His MUGEN A.I. is not as "flexible"/"versatile" as that of Starfire, for example, Starfire managed to counter-attack Dr. Strange as some of his moves missed her, more than what he did the same to her. And Starfire's sliding move takes much advantage over Dr. Strange's low lower-body-defense nature when it comes to MUGEN A.I. long distance "fireball-happy" moments.
Well, I think it doesn't mean Dr. Strange's MUGEN A.I. is weak. It is just that his opponent happened to be the more "flexible"/"versatile" Starfire who has a move that seems to be able to take some advantage.
This is what I observed.............
Oh so I lost too! I under-estimated women again!
P.S. I just looked at Dr. Strange's MUGEN code and Starfire's MUGEN code..........found that there is some MUGEN A.I. code in Dr. Strange, while there is very few (just one for super jump, and it can never be activated somehow.....) MUGEN A.I. code in interesting........