>> which does the helper disappears when the animation ends, of course, but, what should I add to this code in order to make it also disappears when
the player get hit.
"the player" I assume you referred to Player 1 (Root), the one who makes call to this Helper.
- Code:
[State 2005, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
trigger2 = Root, MoveType = H ;this shall be enough
trigger3 = Root, StateNo = [5000,5999] ;this is making things safe
trigger4 = Root, StateNo != 2000 ;this is for when Player 1 (Root) is not doing the hyper move anymore, assuming the hyper move state number is 2000
trigger5 = Time >= 300 ;this is making things more safe (assume the hyper move time occupies 300 game ticks)
>> Also, I'm using it on a Hyper move, do you think it's necessary, or it could be "invincible" during the move?
Well if you ask me then I say "it depends".
- If only the Player 1 (Root) is doing the actual attack and the Helper is there for a "decoration" only, then the Helper can be invincible all the time.
- If both the Player 1 (Root) and the Helper are doing the actual attack and the Helper works like a real player (i.e. has a body and limbs) then the Helper can be invincible, not all the time, but some specific period of time (i.e. normally the short time at the beginning).
** please remember to use HitOverride or ChangeState to take the Helper to its get-hit state
if you plan to make it hit-able by enemy (aka P2)
- If both the Player 1 (Root) and the Helper are doing the actual attack and the Helper works like a VFX (i.e. a long beam or a fireball) then the Helper can be invincible all the time.
- If both the Player 1 (Root) and the Helper are doing the actual attack and the Helper is used to throw the enemy (aka P2), then the Helper should be invincible all the time.
There are actually much more situation such as enemy (aka P2)'s state status or screen boundary, whichever it is and shall fit your MUGEN character's style and game play.