I have been a MUGEN DOM (Download-Only-Member) player from 2004 to 2009. Somehow in 2010 I wanted to make something for MUGEN and I began to study KFM and mugen\data\common1.cns to see how it works. After some MUGEN docs reading and experimenting, I started my first MUGEN character -- an edit of an existing Killer Instinct 2 character. I tried to complete what was not finished with that Killer Instinct 2 character. It is kind of fun to see what and how I could accomplish to make some MUGEN stuff to work like the way I want it to be.
So, good luck in your MUGEN project! A custom-made MK Johnny Cage sounds cool!
I can't wait to try your SF/MK/KI style Johnny Cage!
It is so cool for MUGEN to have some AfterImage function!
In addition to Erroratu's useful advise, you may also want to use AfterImageTime to cancel Johnny Cage's after images when:
- he is hit by P2 when doing his shadow kick and shadow elbow special attacks
- he gains control (i.e. upon entering his stance state) for some reason, during his shadow kick and shadow elbow special attacks
- he is dead by means of P2's attacks that use custom state(s) on him
- and some other situational happenings
A sample AfterImageTime MUGEN code that cancel Johnny Cage's after images when he is hit by P2 when doing his shadow kick and shadow elbow special attacks:
Under your CNS [Statedef -2]:
- Code:
[State -2, AfterImageTime]
type = AfterImageTime
trigger1 = MoveType = H
time = 0
MoveType = H means he is getting hit (H), for details please see http://elecbyte.com/wiki/index.php/CNS#movetype
- AfterImageTime details:
Changes the duration of the player's afterimage effects, if currently enabled.
If no afterimage effects are being displayed, this controller does nothing.
Known bugs: If the timegap parameter in the originating AfterImage controller is not set at 1, using this AfterImageTime will cause the frame positions to be reset.
Required parameters:time = new_duration (int)
Sets the new number of ticks that the afterimages will be displayed before being removed.
Alternate syntax:value = new_duration (int)