RockMan Zero4 stage (a very interesting bonus stage character) updated by Icho 2014-12-27:If you use "RockMan_Zero4/RockMan_Zero4_Stage.def" in your MUGEN select.def then you are given a few choices (please see my MUGEN screen shots below):
- Modes: Easy / Normal / Hard
- Stage Types: built-in one / boss-trial one
1) built-in Stage Type:- starts just like a real Rockman game
- fights some ghost RockMan Zero clones
- you have to jump over many places, and you can die by falling into a hole like that
1) boss-trial Stage Type:- opens the gate to meet with the RockMan Zero boss
- gets a warning just like a real Rockman game
- fights the RockMan Zero boss
I think this RockMan Zero4 stage bonus stage MUGEN character makes use of some very complicated MUGEN coding -- advanced use of tricky HitDef, VarSet, PosSet, Helpers, P1/P2 custom states, Explods, SprPriority, Trigger Redirections...etc. -- basically most MUGEN features are there. A good MUGEN study material!
Icho's OneDrive here: