Not bad. It's clearly an alpha level release so still has a lot left to do. I recommend for future alpha releases that you reuse a placeholder sprite for like getting hit with maybe a single stance sprite, so you can at least get more of your charact4er showing and less of the template.
Also your hitspark is off point I think? I rarely correct this myself because I hardly think it's that big of a deal but if you care about it though, and in case you aren't aware, this is how to alter it.
Go to all your attacks, this is an example.
; Standing Light Punch
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 200]
type = S
Then find the thing called hitdef...
[State 200, Hit]
type =
HitDeftrigger1 = !var(16) && var(15) < 1
trigger1 = !Time
Go down until you see this info, and then change those numbers to adjust the position of the sparks flashing when your weapon hits.
[State 200, Hit]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = !var(16) && var(15) < 1
trigger1 = !Time
attr = S, NA
damage = ceil(ifElse(fvar(11) * 23 < 7, 7, fvar(11) * 23)), 0
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
ID = 200
getpower = 10 * !var(20), 0
givepower = 30, 30
priority = 4, Hit
pausetime = 8, 8
guard.pausetime = 8, 8
sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(33) := 8010)
guard.sparkNo = -1 + 0 * (var(34) := 8000)
sparkXY = -10 + 0 * (var(35) := 60), var(36):=-66
hitsound = s13, 0
guardsound = s14, 0
animType = Light
air.animType = Back
fall.animType = Back
ground.type = High
air.type = Low
ground.slidetime = 12 + 2 * var(9)
ground.hittime = 12 + 2 * var(9)
guard.hittime = 12
ground.velocity = -5.5
guard.velocity = -5.5
ground.cornerPush.velOff = 0
guard.cornerPush.velOff = 0
air.cornerPush.velOff = 0
air.velocity = -2.6,-7
air.hittime = 120
yaccel = .58
fall = 0
fall.recover = 1
fall.recoverTime = 120
palFX.time = 12 * var(9)
palFX.add = 255,255,255
palFX.sinAdd= -255,-255,-255,48
Also play around with the other stuff's numbers to see what it does. Do a quick search online if you like to if you need an explanation or post about it here.
You can also replace the girl sounds with the same boy sound over and over again. Just reuse it and correct it later.
If you like I can help you out in this stuff? Just to add more to your alpha