here is the version 2.0
it's a the new AI TOURNAMENT
SO now, you have now the possibility to evaluate all your characters in a tournament(yes ! i added a xp for the characters!).
don t forget to add a patch to your characters(if yours characters didn 't have AI) or try to make it( it' s easy!)
this tool is also a way to reward AI CREATORS and MUGEN CREATORS!
what 's news?
add challenge mode
fix the software
TIPS:you can participate for controller 1 press CTRL+F1 before the fight
here is a preview:
a new video best quality!
long demo:
1. take pictures for all characters (format:png) (ex:evilruy.png,ken.png,...) in your mugen
1.1 put all pictures in challengergifs folder
1.2 it s their portaits.
2 your fight wallpapers in background folder
2.1 make the list in background.txt like the example(you can find it in HELPFILES)
3 your fight pictures in demoimage(gif supported)
3.1 make the list in demoimage.txt like the example
3.2 these pictures are the introduction of this tools you can change it! it s custumizable!
4 make the list of chars you have in your mugen
4.1 make the list in fighters.txt like the example(you can find it in HELPFILES)
4.2 put this in DANFILES
5 make the list of stages
5.1 make the list in stages.txt like the example(you can find it in HELPFILES)
5.2 put this in DANFILES
6 make the list of your favorites stages
6.1 make the list in finalstages.txt like the example
6.2 this IS ULTIMATE FIGHT,you can determinate the stage for the final
7 add public to the tournament
7.1 take pictures (ex:the head of a hero from a comics)
7.2 make the list of public
7.3 make the list in public.txt like the example
7.4 put the pictures in DANfiles
7.5 this will appear when it will have speech
7.6 put all in DANFILES
8 make the list of your music
8.1 make the list in backgroundmusic.txt like the example
8.2 put your music in DANfiles
8.3 rename one of your favorites music challengemusic.mp3 and put it in DANFILES
9 you can customize the menu background adding a pictures in DANFILES
9.1 call it backmainmenu(the format is ".jpg")
10 replace your mugen folder in the folder danzey legendary tournament
10.2 http://uptobox.com/f4bi8d3h8gxu
if it don't work:
use this patch
(sorry for inconvenients,windows have security or bugs)
i will solve the problem anyway .wait and see