I recently had to come out of hibernation due to a ton of lies being told about me at imt.
the guild thing was full of half truths and then blown out of proportion. for instance, ahrimanes *came to me* to ask me to find him a coder. i pm'd a million people to do that and invested a ton of time in that effort. ahrimanes pm'd me about maybe rajaa maybe coding right after rajaa tried to instigate another fight with me on the guild using his staff credentials in the feedback section. rajaa and i never got along. he acted like a jerk to me on guild one time early on, and when i joined renegademugen, i didnt like how he'd tell people to kill themselves and commit suicide. me and him began flaming one another there all the time. after that, he took any instance he could to bully me at the guild (even in his staff role), and i'm not someone who backs down to bullies. when ahrimanes mentioned the idea of rajaa coding and i told him that statement (i said i didnt want to be friends with him anymore) i got crucified for it. i made it out of frustration of not only all the work i did to help him find a coder going to not, but also because of who he was considering right after the prick tried to start a fight again with me. i thought i was friends with ahrimanes and felt close enough to vent in frustration the comment. but not long after i told him i didnt care who coded for him.
but when ahrimanes told whoever to go public with all that, much of that left out. it was a complete betrayal of trust not only to tell whoever to publicize a comment made in frustration to who i thought was a friend enough to talk to like that, but to leave out pertinent facts of the situation to make it worse (all the work i did to try and find a coder, leaving out how rajaa picked a fight with me right before all that, and not telling people not long after i told him i didnt care who coded anymore)
i probably should have made this topic while back when after confronting ahrimanes for what he did, he threatened to post about it at the guild. and given how he loves to leave out info to make it worse, something needed to be said.
due to the original betrayal by him, and then that later threat, his creation that is hosted here will no longer be linked.
regarding robotmonkeyhead, and tops, again, its rajaa taking the lead in half truths for his own drama agenda. i may have initiated talk with robotmonkeyhead, but never was i not speaking tops own beliefs. i stepped out of negotiations and let tops handle talk himself which he turned much more hostile. but i'm the one to take the blame for how he acted due to rajaa felt it fit his drama plans better to combine it with the half truths about ahrimanes better.