- spidertoxin wrote:
- Okay so Avalanche keeps getting the error saying:
Error message: Invaild Trigger:AI Level
Error in Avalanche.cmd
Error loading chars/Avalanche/Avalanche.def
Error loading p1
Library error message: Died parsing ifelse(AILevel =1,40(AILevel-2)*100))
from what i see here are some errors:
open Avalanche.cmd and search for AI Level through F3. once found, replace it with AILevel (yes, its just a space, but is enough for mugen to crash).
then search for this line
ifelse(AILevel =1,40(AILevel-2)*100))
there is Something missing in that line, at least one comma. see the IfElse is:
ifelse(what to check, if true, if false)
one comma is missing in this line