There is much confusion currently regarding the nomination process. I think it is mainly based on previous familiarity on how these things have worked on comic mugen forums before and not quite reading everything regarding ours completely.
We are trying something new with our process in an attempt to make it different and more fresh. Previously, people would think about things not mentioned earlier for nomination and then get them mentioned to be considered in an all inclusion sort of way.
That will not work here due to how 3 total people have to mention the same thing for something to become eligible. When you couple that with each forum member only has 3 things they can nominate as well, that all-inclusion thought process will be more of a detriment what we are trying to accomplish which is giving you all something to do.
What we need you to do is think things through a little more. Think about what you really think were the best things in each category and then mention it. Might help to look at things already gaining eligibility points if people have voted ahead of you due to that concept of needing 3 different people to nominate something to make it eligible.
Other problems:
- Nominating things already meeting eligibility requirements. If something already mentioned by 3 people making it eligible for the voting process to come later, then you are wasting a nomination. And given you only have 3 choices per category, then you are limiting yourself and thus the awards
- Not reading the rules which led to...
1) Nominating all new characters in the updated portion
2) Nominating too many things (you are limited to 3)
3) Nominating creators who have not released a minimum of 2 characters
4) Nominating creations in the updated category of things that did not receive a major update. Minor updates do not count
5) A person can nominate theirself or their creation if they'd like
Hope this helps