sorry to tell ya but I think LF or my new sprite are more closer to Mark Bagley's now than capcom
first off capcom is anime inspired and it's 50% close to marks via drawing but the color is animed 0% like this
even though it use some of the anatomy it fails at the main upper body and head I looked at marks it's doesn't match it
capcom makes the rips of his body to wide and his head to small and round mark actually draws more lager and more egg shaped
the upper body yeah mark draws a wide upper rip but still V shaped as opposed comcom make it bowl shape
the legs and arms are closer
to marks though.
Lethal Foes actually is 55% closer to his but it fails at the legs shading 5% yet this one out my lousy at ability draw it like so
but the fact is LF was 100% based off mark bagleys artwork the upper body anatomy is closer to mark's
so my answer is the mix version the legs and the arms are closer via capcom and mixing the upper body and head of Lethal Foes
makes sense to me.
if did because capcom is popular and you don't have an eye for artwork I can why you picked it
but that ok capcom is cool to me too
but it's not 100% true to marks artwork