I've released a number of patches for some more characters.
This round contains patches for:
Felicia by ahuron & RedHot
Gallon by VsDebuts
Marrow by Buckus
Nightcrawler (Legacy of Heroes 1.1) by 087-b, DarkWolf13
Sonson by FerchoGTX, RyouWin, Kong & RedHot
Supergirl by Toni (just merged her into the main file)
This main file contains all the patches I've made for different characters.
- Added an AI
- Now has 3000 power and does not start match with meter
- added an Alpha Counter
- Added an AI.
- hyper Damage values adjusted
- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power
- Added an AI. Despite it being simple, him being able to teleport all over the place still makes him a pain to deal with.
- rearranged the palletes to be consistent with my other releases
- fixed var(57) / var(59) triggers in cmd to be consistent with AI triggers.
- hopefully fixed his jHP / jHK not knocking down correctly, and jHK not linking correctly from jMP/jMK
- Re-organized his QCF teleport attack inputs. Kick now correlates to a kick special while Punch now does the sword attacks.
- dejanked his qcf teleport specials. They were set to appear at posset 0,0. They will now appear in relation to p2 which makes them a lot more consistent (and dangerous).
- normalized damage values. He does a little less damage overall but has his hyper moves normalized and upped in damage.
- Reworked his Hyper Teleport. Should now teleport to p2 and consistently facing left and right, teleports are now tied to animelemtime & p2 position. Could still use a little polish.
- added an emergency teleport. Functionally the same as regular teleport, but works as an Alpha Counter variant. Cost 1 Bar.
- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power
- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
- Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus)
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2
I have removed the patch for Morrigan from the main file as jjkoolaid has long since updated her.
To Do:
Re-Evaluate Cody by VsDebuts. I have already done an AI Patch but his supers feel a little boring. Maybe I can see if I can do something more exciting with them. Rashid's SF6 Lvl2 maybe? A number of Tornadoes as a fullscreen super? Who knows...
Check characters for attacks with custom states. Those tend to whiff on super armored enemies and bosses.