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Welcome!!! - Bienvenidos!!! - ( We hope you will get involved in the MMV Community which is dedicated to having fun with Mugen ) - Bienvenidos!!! - Welcome!!!
This stage was originally released with the following: -Animation(s) -Parallax -Zoom Effects -Medium Jump
Updates: -Added 'Falling Snow' Effect -Added 'fade-range' to the Shadow effect -Added Loop Music -Added 'Hurry up!' Music with Loop -Added Stage portrait
1-Add the 'SFA2-Ryu_Stage' folder to your 'stages' folder. 2-If you want the stage with 'Hurry-Up' music when any char reaches low health, add the following to the 'select' file: stages/SFA2-Ryu_Stage/101_Ryu-wide-cps-ikemen-HU.def -If you want the stage with regular music (no 'Hurry-Up' feature), add the following to the 'select' file: stages/SFA2-Ryu_Stage/101_Ryu-wide-cps-ikemen.def 3-Save file and play.