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Join date : 2021-02-06

Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 6th 2021, 2:45 pm

I started this thread to introduce you to Ikemen Go. This engine was done by Suehiro, the same person who made Ikemen.
Suehiro chose to use Golang for this project for portability reasons, the coding language is very friendly with other Operative Systems as Linux, Windows, MAC, Android and IOs. So far the Ikemen Go is only available for Windows(32 and 64Bits), Mac, and Linux.

The engine is open source using GOlang only for the core functions. Other parts of the engine as the main menu, select screen, intro, versus, victory screen are being parsed from the LUA scripts, found in the external/script folder, giving the user the possibility of making deep changes that can not be done from the system.def and the fight.def

Since Suehiro left the project, other people have been carrying the torch including K4thos and Gacel, which have collaborated greatly to the engine.

The engine is highly retro compatible with Mugen content, the folder and file hierarchy are the same so you can easily set up an Ikemen Go build as you do in Mugen, using select.def to add stages and characters.

The main difference remains in the config file located in the Save folder, config.json is the file you use to set up the screenpack and other options as calling custom zss/lua files. Do not be afraid, the official release file counts with everything you need.

The engine is not as "stable" as Mugen, expect some crashes to desktop or characters/stages not working as it does on Mugen. Still is stable enough to the point some full games have been already released on the engine and some Mugen creators are porting their games to it.

Cool stuff Ikemen Go introduced:
Pause menu in fights, with a bunch of options including restart fight and Command list.
Command list for characters.
Submenus for Main Menu.
Order Select directly in the versus screen.
Animated Portraits for versus screen.
Graphic Filters directly from the Option menu.
Support up to 4 human players.
Default Tag system.
Ratio System(Capcom vs SNK)
A lot of new triggers and SCTRLs and new DEF parameters.
Support for ZSS, a more powerful coding language than CNS(you can still use CNS)
Arcade paths, good for your story mode.
Unlock characters and stages.
Dialogues, give your chars something to say.
And much more.

No more introductions, here are the vital stuff you need to start on Ikemen Go.

Here you can download the latest "stable" release, this link updates automatically every time a new update is pushed.
The binaries only zip files only contains the engine binaries and the exclusive Ikemen Go files needed for functionality, this is right for those who want to have Mugen and Ikemen GO in the same folder.
I recommend downloading the non-binary folder because it contains the screenpacks that counts with every single new exclusive Ikemen Go feature.

This Github is for power users who want to compile the engine itself and get access that features that are not pushed yet into the appveyor download page.
Also very good for reporting issues and suggestions. Please be very specific when bug reporting, report your OS, your Ikemen Go version, and a link to the stage/character/screenpack with the issue is very appreciated.

K4thos was kind enough, not only working on the engine and creating stuff for it but documenting the whole changes in this wiki with examples. This is a MUST for people who want to get deeper with the new stuff.

This is the official Ikemen and Ikemen Go discord channel, so if you want to ask for help, see Ikemen Go stuff, or say hi, just check-in.
(Dont know if I'm breaking a rule here, admins feel free to delete the link if you consider it inappropriate)

Full games released so far in Ikemen Go
Art of Fury
A Mugen game made by Iron Mugen I made the port to Ikemen Go including a lot of exclusive features including Command List and Boss Rush.

The King of Fighters Go
A port of The King Of Fighters Wing 2.01 which includes heavy rebalance and bug fixing.

Black Heart
A commercial game that saw the light first on Mugen now ported to Ikemen Go being developed by Andre Borghi.

Screenpacks for Ikemen Go
Kof 2002 UM done by Luza and edited by GUI.

PJ Mugen for Ikemen Go done by PeeJay Bonobo

Do not hesitate to ask for help in this thread. Thanks for reading.

Last edited by orochi_kyo on February 13th 2021, 7:34 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Added sticky)

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Join date : 2021-02-06

Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 7th 2021, 11:30 pm

Guys, sorry for the absence of links but I need to wait a week to able to post external links.

By then I'll be here to update the post. If you have any trouble with Ikemen Go, do not hesitate to ask, I will keep an eye here and I'll try to help.

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Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 7th 2021, 11:36 pm

I’ve been looking to get into Ikemen but I need more screen pack options already ikemen ready. I use Noz screen packs made for Mugen or will they work too
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Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 8th 2021, 4:34 pm

chancethegamer wrote:
I’ve been looking to get into Ikemen but I need more screen pack options already ikemen ready. I use Noz screen packs made for Mugen or will they work too

Mugen screenpacks should work out of the box, but since there are hundreds of screenpacks, don't be surprised if some doest not work as intended.

I have used some winmugen and mugen 1.0-1.1 myself with no trouble but if you want to use the Ikemen Go features you'll need to add them toI the system.def.

There are a bunch of Ikemen Go ready-to-use screenpacks which include menu features and bars for simul/tag. Ill share them once I'm able to post links.
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Join date : 2021-02-06

Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 13th 2021, 7:37 pm

Links are online now. I'll be adding tools and modules for Ikemen Go soon.

I didnt add the ad fly links, I guess is something related to the forum.
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Ikemen Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go EmptyFebruary 14th 2021, 1:18 am

It seems great
... I will try that works!!
Thanks for sharing

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PostSubject: Re: Ikemen Go   Ikemen Go Empty

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