The idea behind this section is to be a hub for Mugen Authors to compile all of their creations together into 1 topic. Inspiration for this was gained after
@Doom 's topic that he puts in his signature pointing people to his creations and
@gartanham 's recent topic doing the same.
1) Creations to be compiled together are mainly Characters, Stages, Screenpacks and/or Full-Games
2) You can compile various Mugen Add-On's into a compilation thread if it contains any of the main 4 releases mentioned in #1
3) You can post on behalf of someone else. You do not have to compile just your items. If you want to make a topic for a friend or a 'Creator' you like, go for it
4) Topics and the creations listed are mainly for people listed as primary 'Authors/Creators' for the respective creation
5) If posting a download link from file sharing sites such as mediafire, 4shared, sendspace, etc, please do it in a way to avoid automatic adfly insertion. If you need help doing so, check this link: Try and be organized with what you posted
7) If you need a template for organizing, you can check out
Doom's Compilation of Things8 ) Replies of discussion by whoever are allowed, but please remember to respect others when doing so
If you have questions about anything, please ask them in this topic