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Subject: XBox Lifebar (MUGEN 1.0/1.1) March 18th 2019, 9:50 pm
In the old days, the XBox lifebar was my favorite. That's way before MUGEN 1.0 release. When I was a newbie, this lifebar was one of the reasons I continued to use Winmugen for a long time. The lifebar is beautiful and is a great addition to any build. Since in those almost 11 years it was released nobody decided to update it. And here it is for MUGEN 1.0 (and 1.1).
Original creator: WanteD - 640x480 - Standard Portraits fight.def (9000,0) - Special characters included (info) - Download: https://rurouniroad.blogspot.com/2019/03/xbox-lifebar.html