It looks like there is some character scaling being done. There are 3 main areas for this in a character (other than move specific code) file.
There are 3 ways this can happen
1. The character's DEF file
localcoord = 320, 240 <--- If this line exists it could be "scaling"
2. The character's CNS file
xscale = 1 ;Horizontal scaling factor.
yscale = 1 ;Vertical scaling factor.
3. The character's AIR file
This shouldn't be it, as it is a portrait, but you can modify the animation's scale within the AIR file
To scale a sprite, use the 8th and 9th parameters for x-scale and y-scale respectively, e.g. this will scale the sprite by 1.5 and 2 respectively:
15,4, 0,0, 5, ,A, 1.5,2
If changing these values doesn't work, please post the character file so I can investigate the issue.