@Mugenman yes you need to build a complete system to change modes. I have a couple character downloads for examples posted below.
It seems like this WIP is just in the starting phase (with only 33 sprites added, and only a couple anims added). If this is your 1st WIP it is very ambitious to try and create a multi character in 1 as your first.
To make a 2 in 1 character can be very tricky even for the best creators, and can't be completely done (there are a few glitches that can't be worked out like being thrown). What you are trying to fix, can be fixed. You need to build the system of switching between the modes. My suggestion would be to look at how someone else has done it and and work from there.
Here are the parts you need:
1. You have to have a system in place to change to and from the other form (usually using a variable)
- you are using var(10) for this, but the system is not completely in place (see example characters)
- it is better to use an actual move rather than your taunt for this
-see below links for 2 character that have this type of advanced coding
2. You need to code individually each Variation of each anim within your CNS and Common1.CNS files
-looks like you have this for that move
3. You need to have each Variation coded into the AIR, and SFF file
-looks like you have this for that move
I do have a couple specific examples of where this is done fairly well. Please check out their code and how they implemented the other modes for tips.
Asccort's Ryu & Ken (2 in 1):
- Code:
OmegaPsycho's Shang Tsung (10 in 1) [remove space from "mugen archive" in link]:
- Code:
https://mugen archive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=60272-shang-tsung-omegapsycho
Check the code from Ryu & Ken, and Shang Tsung for implementing the other mode. Remember there are parts in the CMD, the CNS, the common1.cns, and the -2.cns that all work hand in hand to make the code work. There are a few different ways to implement this as well.