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 Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?

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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?
Cell (2016)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Mercy (2014)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Big Driver (2014)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
A Good Marriage (2014)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Carrie (2013)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Dolan's Cadillac (2009)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Mist (2007)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap25%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
No Smoking (2007)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1408 (2007)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Desperation (2006)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Secret Window (2004)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Hearts in Atlantis (2001)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Green Mile (1999)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Trucks (1997)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Night Flier (1997)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Quicksilver Highway (1997)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Apt Pupil (1998)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Thinner (1996)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Mangler (1995)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Dark Half (1993)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Needful Things (1993)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Lawnmower Man (1992)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Sleepwalkers (1992)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap25%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Misery (1990)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Graveyard Shift (1990)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Pet Sematary (1989)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Running Man (1987)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Creepshow 2 (1987)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Stand by Me (1986)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap25%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Silver Bullet (1985)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap25%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Cat's Eye (1985)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Firestarter (1984)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Children of the Corn (1984)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Dead Zone (1983)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Cujo (1983)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Christine (1983)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Creepshow (1982)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
The Shining (1980)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Carrie (1976)
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_lcap0%Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 4



Posts : 5691
Join date : 2014-08-11

Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
PostSubject: Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?   Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? EmptyAugust 9th 2017, 11:56 am

Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Question

Cell (2016)
- A phone signal plunges the world into chaos, and a man traverses the apocalyptic landscape in order to reunite with his son.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Mv5bmt11

Mercy (2014)
- A mother and her two children are tasked with taking care of their grandmother, who has mystical powers.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Mercy_10

Big Driver (2014)
- In Big Driver, a novelist is assaulted and left for dead. She goes on a mission to get revenge on her attackers.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Big-dr10

A Good Marriage (2014)
- A husband and wife have lived happily together for 25 years, until one day when the wife discovers a sinister secret about the man she married.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Agoodm10

Carrie (2013)
- In Carrie, a young girl with telekinetic abilities gets revenge on those who bullied her in school.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 3904bd10

Dolan's Cadillac (2009)
- In Dolan's Cadillac, a man's wife is murdered in Las Vegas by a mobster, and the man seeks revenge.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? J6fd2z10

The Mist (2007)
- A fog containing monstrous terrors rolls over a town, and residents are trapped inside a grocery store, trying to stay alive.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? The_mi10

No Smoking (2007)
- A man with an addiction to smoking is offered a way to be cured, but it's through unusual means by a mysterious organization.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Hearts10

1408 (2007)
- An author who specializes in debunking the paranormal spends the night at a hotel filled with terror and the supernatural.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 1408-210

Desperation (2006)
- A bad cop arrests a group of people and throws them in jail. They quickly find out there's an evil, supernatural element to the officer.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 27307710

Secret Window (2004)
- A successful writer is accused of plagiarism by a strange man, while the writer's life falls apart.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Secret10

Riding the Bullet (2004)
- A man hitchhikes to a hospital to visit his dying mother, but he's picked up by a sinister stranger.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 001a6d10

Dreamcatcher (2003)
- A group of friends go camping and slowly come to realize that they're not alone, as parasitic aliens terrorize them.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Dreamc10

Hearts in Atlantis (2001)
- A man returns home after his friend passes away and remembers his younger years with him, during a time when their lives were changed.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Hearts10

The Green Mile (1999)
- Prison guards in charge of death row have their lives changed by an inmate with a supernatural gift who’s accused of murder.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Large_10

Trucks (1997)
- Trucks tells the story of automobiles coming to life and killing people.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Trucks10

The Night Flier (1997)
- In The Night Flier, a reporter is on the trail of a serial killer who travels by plane and is suspected to be a vampire.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Cover_10

Quicksilver Highway (1997)
- Quicksilver Highway contains two one-hour stories. One of those stories is based on King's 1992 short story "Chattery Teeth."
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? A2668e10

Apt Pupil (1998)
- A boy blackmails an elderly neighbor--who is a World War II criminal--into telling him stories from concentration camps.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 220px-13

Thinner (1996)
- An overweight attorney is cursed to lose weight, until there's nothing left of him.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 220px-12

The Mangler (1995)
- A machine that folds laundry becomes possessed by a demon, and it goes on a killing spree.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 3ezeoh11

Dolores Claiborne (1995)
- A reporter travels to a small town where her mother was arrested for murder, and while talking to her, she learns of traumatic secrets from her past she had previously blocked out.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Mv5bog10

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
- A man is wrongfully accused of murder and spends his life in prison.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? The-sh10

The Dark Half (1993)
- An author's alter ego wants to take over his life.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Mv5bmt12

Needful Things (1993)
- In Needful Things, a new shop opens up in a small town, with something for everyone in town; however, the shop owner requests something different than cash and soon, the whole town is in total chaos.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Needfu10

The Lawnmower Man (1992)
- The Lawnmower Man movie follows a man who is turned into a genius through the usage of computers. The original "Lawnmower Man" short story was first published in 1975.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? The-la10

Sleepwalkers (1992)
- A couple of werecats, who are apparently mother and son, head to a small town to find a virgin to feed on.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Sleepw11

Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
- A man returns to his hometown and is haunted by the ghosts of teenagers that bullied him as a child.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Web-fr10

Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990)
- The anthology horror film contained an adaptation of King's 1977 short story "The Cat from Hell."
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Tumblr11

Misery (1990)
- In Misery, an author crashes his car and is rescued by a fan, who turns out to be a bit too fanatical and won't let him leave.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Misery10

Graveyard Shift (1990)
- An old mill becomes infested with rats, and the employees discover something horrifying hidden in the basement.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Gravey10

Pet Sematary (1989)
- A family moves into a new home, which is near a cemetery that can bring the dead back to life.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Pet_se10

The Running Man (1987)
- A man who is wrongfully accused of a crime must compete in a game show where the loser dies.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Runnin10

Creepshow 2 (1987)
- The Creepshow anthology series contains numerous stories, and King's 1982 short story "The Raft" was adapted for this film.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Creeps10

Stand by Me (1986)
- Stand by Me is a coming of age story about four boys who find a dead body.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 59971e10

Maximum Overdrive (1986)
- In Maximum Overdrive, machines--such as semi-trucks with Green Goblin's face attached to the grill--come to life and start killing people.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Maximu10

Silver Bullet (1985)
- A peaceful town is terrorized by a werewolf. Silver Bullet is based on the 1983 novella titled Cycle of the Werewolf.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 3fb08210

Cat's Eye (1985)
- Cat's Eye is an anthology of three horror stories. Both "Quitters, Inc." and "The Ledge" are adaptations from King's Night Shift collection. The third story--"General"--was written by King specifically for the movie.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Wtf10

Firestarter (1984)
- A telekinetic couple--who received their abilities during a medical experiment--have a child, and she turns out to be able to control fire with her mind.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Christ10

Children of the Corn (1984)
- A couple find themselves stranded in a rural town which is home to a cult comprised of kids that kill anyone over the age of 18.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Childr10

The Dead Zone (1983)
- A man wakes up after being in a coma and finds he has psychic abilities.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? The_Dead_Zone

Cujo (1983)
- In Cujo, a family's St. Bernard dog contracts rabies and terrorizes a small town.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Cujopo10

Christine (1983)
- A boy falls in love with a car he purchased, but the automobile has a supernatural element to it and a jealous streak.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? King0910

Creepshow (1982)
- The anthology movie, Creepshow, features two tales based on King's short stories: "Weeds," also known as "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill" published in 1976 and "The Crate," published in 1979.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Creeps11

The Shining (1980)
- A family is put in charge of taking care of a hotel during the winter, and the father loses his mind, thanks to supernatural influences.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 99450_original

Carrie (1976)
- A bullied girl releases telekinetic terror on her abusers during prom.
Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Carrie11
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Join date : 2014-08-11

Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?   Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? EmptyAugust 9th 2017, 12:17 pm

I chose "The Mist (2007)". Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 3876111886

It is because, it had some elements I like generally:
- it was set up in some kind of mist (similar to fog in Silent Hill)
- it was about mysterious monsters (similar to monsters in Silent Hill/The Thing)
- it was happening in a supermarket (it could help victims survive a bit longer with food supply)
- it was having some cool special effects (not too little, not too much)
- it was showing some flaws in human trust (like in The Thing)
- its ending was so dramatically unexpected! Surprised

By the way, there is a "2017 Mist" in the making, and you can visit this MMV topic to talk about it Arrow :
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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?   Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? EmptyAugust 9th 2017, 12:49 pm

I should choose Shining but...i choose:
Maximum overdrive...but i love a lot of these movies
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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?   Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? EmptyAugust 9th 2017, 1:05 pm

Shining wrote:
I should choose Shining but...i choose:
Maximum overdrive...but i love a lot of these movies

Sorry but I had to limit it to only one (1) choice to vote for.... Embarassed .....because it is about "the most favorite" choice to make.... I would like to vote for 1408 and Carrie too but I had to force to make it to only one (1) choice strictly.... Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? 3876111886
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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?   Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? EmptyAugust 9th 2017, 2:01 pm

Silver Bullet
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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies? Empty
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Which is your most favorite Stephen King movies?
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