Right or Wrong? YOU be the judge! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Case #1 as of 2017-08
In England, an Animal Rights activist freed a pig from farm to spare it the chop and filmed their escape
He told it: "
We’re gonna do this, little piggy" afterwards showing the "
rescued" creature running in a field
Some people agreed to what he did to the pig
, while some people accused him as a farm thief
So, do you think it is a right or wrong move, for the Animal Rights activist to "rescue" it like that?
Now, YOU be the judge!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=> borewood2013 thinks that this Animal Rights activist did the wrong thing, because he may not have realized that the "rescued" pig cannot survive outside a safe form like that.......
Case #1 as of 2017-07
In Thailand, a dog was too kind that it usually got bullied by other bad dogs.......
........and then its master decided to paint her kind dog to make it look like a tiger..........
- in case imgur not working for you...:
.......since then, other bad bully dogs are scared by the look of this "dog tiger" and this "dog tiger" can finally have some peaceful times............
- in case imgur not working for you...:
So, do you think it is a right or wrong move, for the dog's master to paint it like that?
Now, YOU be the judge!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
=> borewood2013 thinks that "dog tiger"'s master did the right thing, because he once witnessed how some bad bully dogs almost killed a kind dog before.........